Charles Dutton & Co (Dorset)

 Independent Woodland Management

our ethos

To offer our clients a supportive, friendly, professional and independent service.

We aim to strike a balance between sound silviculture, wildlife management and commerciality.

We work with others who are experts in their own field and, as and when we feel that additional support is needed, we discuss this with our client.

We offer a bespoke service to all of our clients and we work 100% for, and on behalf of, our clients.

Charles Dutton heads up our small team. He has been a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Foresters since 2005 and has been practising woodland management for the past 40 years, predominantly on private estates in England and Wales.


Woodland management

From traditional sweet chestnut coppice grown on a 14 year rotation (also home to the white admiral butterfly) to undamaged English oak, we have experience of managing all types of silvicultural systems, rotations and objectives to suit a range of management and wildlife aims.

grey squirrel management

Grey squirrel management

Grey Squirrels destroy more young broadleaf trees in lowland Britain & Ireland than almost any other woodland pest.  The damage they do costs the UK forestry industry upwards of £45m/yr.  At last, some innovative research is under way into a long term solution.  Whilst we wait for that, we can do much to limit their damage and even grow trees which will not be damaged.  The key to grey squirrel management is to understand exactly why they damage trees in the first place.

forest design and new planting

New woodland design

 Establishing a new wood can be a life-changing experience, regardless of whether you are a farmer or private estate. You will be creating the landscape of the future and doing your bit for the environment and biodiversity. The Government and the EU have set ambitious targets to combat climate change of net zero CO2 by 2050. The UK has around 13% tree cover against Europe’s 37%, and with thousands of hectares available across the country, there has never been a better time to take advantage of the excellent grants for planting trees. Now is the time to get planting!



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